Manufactures Claims A Lot On The Benefits Of Their Products Driving Food Labeling A Must

Caution Tape

Most of the consumers seek information’s about food products that have qualities that can serve their food needs. The legal requirements on food labeling are quite complex and it tremendously changes. The change was made necessary because, newer ingredients are being added to products. Food label helps the consumers make better healthier choices. It is one of the best tool consumers have. Truly speaking, food labeling has prime importance and many purposes too

  • For fair marketing
  • Protect consumer
  • To protect and promote health
  • Protect environment
  • To promote sustainable food production
  • To promote social well being and to protect culture


Basic information required are name of the food, list of ingredients ,nutritional information, medical information, date of minimum durability, storage conditions, net quantity, place of origin, instruction for use where necessary  etc. The most important factor is that the customer should not mislead. For some foods there are other details which may have to be included in the label. Click here to know more about custom caution tape

The food label will tell you if there is any ingredient which you may want to avoid. Food labeling makes a drastic change that could affect the processing of foods and supplements and the nutrient intakes of consumers. According to the nutrition facts label by US food and drug administration, first labeling will include information on added sugar, because of the consumption of sugar by US children and adults by food purchase location and food source. The FDA regulations require nutrition information to appear on most foods, and any claims on food products must be truthful and not misleading.

Most items contain food color and preservatives. Checking out food labels can help one choose the right vitamins, calcium and iron and thus avoiding junk. The food and drug administration requires all the packaged food items including fruits, vegetables and poultry carry the complete nutrition information. The European Union is making food labeling compulsory across 27 nations as an effort to check obesity. The parents in Australia are telling that food labeling should be made compulsory so that children get the right and balanced diet. In India however food labeling standard is still in the early stage of development and suppliers only provide limited information towards product quality, safety and food value. It’s high time that India must have a drastic change in this matter.

Health experts recommend keeping intake of saturated fat and cholesterol as low as possible, because these nutrients may increase your risk for heart disease. This is where the percentage on the nutrition facts label can be helpful. There is no percentage for fat, but you can use the label to find out whether the saturated fat and cholesterol are high or low. Another important thing to be noted is that when comparing products, look at the total amount of saturated fat and fat to find the one lowest in both of these types of fat. Contact us for more details.